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Through a proven Learning Certification Path: 🔵 C-OKRP® 🟣 C-OKRL® 🟢 C-OKRPro®
Create Ownership, Cross-Functional Collaboration & Strategy Alignment
Transition to an Agile and Outcome-Driven Culture
Prerequisite: None
An excellent starting point for OKR enthusiasts. Lay a strong foundation for your OKR journey, understand the purpose of OKRs, and learn how to set them.
Prerequisite: None
Learn in the Practitioner Course how to master OKRs. Become a certified OKR Practitioner (C-OKRP®) and enhance your knowledge in effectively drafting, aligning, and executing OKRs.
Prerequisite: OKR Practitioner
Learn in the Leadership Course (C-OKRL®) how to increase levels of team collaboration and create self-driven teams by leading the Agile OKR way. (incl. C-OKRP®)
Prerequisite: OKR Leadership
The Professional Course (C-OKRPro®) is the OKR Institutes‘ signature ´Coach the Coach Model`. Become an impactful OKR Coach. (incl. C-OKRP® and C-OKRL®)
An effective AI-powered OKR tool that helps you to boost performance & productivity through aligned, engaged and strategically focused teams.
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